Marie Outreach Trust (MOT) Project


My name is Emma Aitken and I work within the MOT (Marie Outreach Trust) project at The Marie Trust. The MOT project grew out of an increasing recognition that once people had moved out of homelessness and were in secure tenancies, they often encountered difficulties and struggled to support themselves. The project was created with a strong focus on wellbeing and with the hope that this support would prevent people falling back into homelessness.

Having come from an arts background and with a keen interest in the outdoors, I am a firm believer in the power of creativity and engaging with nature to improve one’s mental health and wellbeing. At the Marie Trust we run a varied wellbeing programme which includes bike rides, walking groups and art classes. We also recognise that whilst those who access the service are predominately male, we still engage with and support a number of women and in order to be inclusive and create safe spaces for all, we run activities such as the women’s walking group.

Alongside this core work at The Marie Trust, I look to match individual’s interests with the work of other organisations in the city. I have referred and linked people in with a variety of exciting projects, ranging from indoor climbing, drama and music classes, cookery courses, and everything in between.  Of course, an integral component of the work is the ongoing emotional and practical support that people need. My role allows me to build strong and positive relationships with the people I support, and I pride myself in the relationships I have fostered. If you would like to get in touch about anything, or even to have a chat, give me a call on 07483165983. 

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Rea more about the social prescribing service offered by the Marie Trust