Hi, my name is Lesley. I am the Project Lead for the Marie Outreach Trust (MOT) Project at the Marie Trust. MOT is all about ensuring those that are most disadvantaged receive much needed medical care via the Pharmacy Service and helping people connect with their local community to stop the cycle of repeated homelessness. This means working with people to help them feel secure in their accommodation by providing help and advocacy with statutory service for example their Housing Association and DWP.
As we take a holistic approach, we also offer activities like walks and bike riding/repair to help build confidence and connections within the community. We provided one to one support through the whole of the pandemic and are aware of how important the work we do will be helping people restore their good mental health post pandemic.
I have worked for the Marie Trust for nearly six years. I started as the Supported Volunteer Co-Ordinator where I mentored volunteers in the Training Kitchen and occasionally in the café. The Supported Volunteers all experience barriers to accessing volunteering such as homelessness, poor mental health, addiction or been involved in the criminal justice system.
It is hugely rewarding to work with them and watch how The Marie Trust environment nurtures them to gain skills and grow in confidence. They usually start by being very quiet and I know they are comfortable when they start getting cheeky! The Volunteering Project is so important in helping address the social isolation many of the people we support experience and helps them build routines that can enables them to move into education or employment.
Prior to working for The Marie Trust I worked for DWP for a number of years, latterly in the Jobcentre where I helped set up a drop in Job Club, which included a day at the local college which was popular with people who were uncomfortable in the Jobcentre environment. I also worked with employers and local businesses as an Employment Engagement Advisor, securing work experience placements and helping with their recruitment. This has given me a good knowledge of the benefits system which is useful for challenging decisions and ensuring that the people we support access the financial support they are entitled to.
Rea more about the Marie Outreach Trust (MOT) service offered by the Marie Trust