Crisis intervention at the Marie Trust

Louise Paterson Intervention Worker

My name is Louise  and I'm a crisis intervention worker at the Marie Trust. 

My background for over 20 years has been supporting some of the most vulnerable individuals within our society through various job roles within Criminal Justice and Addictions, which has given me a privileged opportunity to gain essential skills and knowledge required to have a empathic understanding to some of the difficult life changing experiences  some individuals find themselves. I have now transfer those skills I gained to fully support those within homelessness.

Offering a friendly welcome and some nutritious food at The Marie Trust is a great way to introduce myself whilst enabling individuals to feel comfortable within a relaxed atmosphere and to allow me to offer support to anyone who may need it. We can offer a range of support  including help with benefits, contacting homeless casework to access accommodation, accompanying to DWP health assessments/court/appointments or to just have a chat to establish and prioritise if  further support or referral to our other in-house services is needed including Pharmacist, Counselling and our Well-being Groups or Education. We also network closely with various other social care organisations to further enhance a proper care package of support for individuals. 

My support is not limited to in-house and I often do outreach work within some of the existing homeless hotels along with the Pharmacist to ensure that no-one is restricted from accessing our supported services.

We welcome anyone to The Marie Trust and look forward to meeting you.

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